
Posts Tagged ‘hands’

Ten years. This was how long, I have mended a broken heart. I have kept something deep inside me a special spot that no one could ever find. A spot that I have built for myself a castle of dreams of many “could have been”.

There are no words could ever describe a deep yearning. Where pain emanates from my eyes and trying to conceal them through laughter.  Sealed them carefully through the passing of time. That was the hardest and have made me unbreakable like a steel.

The throbbing of the heart. The drifting memories.  And the sweet surrender. It is the heart that never forgets.  It is the soul searching for its beloved.  And the mind that has conjured thousand images of make-believe.  Hoping that this time, it’s for real.

Like a fragile glass. Precious to behold. It is all I am keeping within these hands. As if eternity will remember a love treasured, labored and accepted. A sacrifice that is worth the lifetime of happiness. Of this imperfect world. Of this imperfect being.

If paradise is here within me. Then I must be contained. But in chaos and the world’s maddening crowd, the memory of you serves as an inspiration. An escape. A beautiful dream. In you I find redemption from my fallen self.  I find peace like gentleness of the seawaves  crashing on my shore.

It is like finding a jewel that once lost.  It is like a lonely harbor waiting for the ship to come.  It is like the rose that never withers.  And if that comes. That day. That day. I cannot tell anymore if it is just a dream or a reality.  I cannot tell anymore if it is pain or happiness.

I will be lost. And cannot be found. If that happens, just hold my hand and wake me up. Help me believe it’s worth the wait.

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There is this solitary confinement.

Beneath a surface, rages a storm.

Underneath, steely rocks

Will pierce your soft heel.

Be careful walking

My land-mined territory.


My eyes were fiery

Like a cascading lava,

Gentle as it flows but

Death will come,

along its path. As if words

can singed you until

the last traces of life turned

into ash.


These glass windows

Will shutter with

My restrained voices

Until it falls like shrapnels

To wound your fragile heart.


My hands are tied

But not enchained

And these thoughts

Can slash through your brain

It will linger like ghosts

Shrieking until you bleed.


If silence can kill,

Then I will kill.

If coldness of the water

Petrifies  a time

Let it stop the clock from ticking.

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