
Posts Tagged ‘document’

Frenetic, as it landed

on the document tray,

an acid-tounged letter

replied to on impulse.

Foreshadowing regret

of telephone laments-

“What had happened?”


Post-its scribblings

by broken Staedtler

Staple wires sealing

recycled envelopes

while shredder syncopates

a denouement-

“Who’ll be the next?”


Attached in clips,

highlighted in neon-

eavesdropped gossips,

disguised information.

A persuasion of hearsays

into domesticated opinion-

“Is it the last day?”


The day of reckoning,

desks to be cleared-

clutter and disposables

into half-filled wastebin.

Empty cardboard boxes

piling knick knacks-

“Are you okay?”

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